Ads Camp 2020 Sketchnotes
Day 1
Florian Litterst:
5 Creative-Hebel, mit denen du mehr aus deinem Facebook & Instagram Funnel herausholst
Wie schon in den Jahren zuvor, übernahm auch in diesem Jahr Florian das Opening. Diesen ersten Vortrag eines prallgefüllten Tages haben wir in Sketchnotes zusammengefasst.
Thomas Hutter & Thomas Besmer:
Maximale Skalierung – Facebook / Instagram Advertising entlang der Full Customer Journey
Für die nächste Session ging es in die Schweiz zu unseren Freunden aus der HuCo-Crew. Die beiden Thomase (Hutter & Besmer) zeigten auf, wie die maximale Skalierung über ein komplettes Kampagnen-Setup möglich ist. In ihrer charmanten schweizer Art führten sie die Ads Camper durch die Funnel-Stufen See, Think, Do & Care und zeigten uns entsprechende Hebel zum Skalieren.
Yvonne Iwainski:
1 Girl – 2 Caps. How to make Pinterest efficient again
Weiter ging es im Studio in Köln mit Yvonne. Live on Stage zeigte uns die kölsche Frohnatur wie wir effizient auf der Plattform Pinterest werben sollten. Ihre Tipps hier waren vor allem: UGC, Bewegtbild und CTAs mit eleganten Textoverlays.
Andreas Grimm:
Unterschätzter Wachstumshebel – So muss dein Produktkatalog 2020 aufgesetzt sein
Andreas Grimm – der Name, den Ads-Camp-Veteranen wohl am meisten mit “Nerdy” verbinden.
Und auch dieses Mal wurde wieder „abgenerdet“! Thema: “Wachstumshebel für deinen Facebook-Produktkatalog”
Hier ein paar Tipp von Andreas:
- Nutze alle Felder, die im Master-Feed vorhanden sind. Je mehr Daten, desto besser wird der Katalog ausgespielt.
- Um deinen Facebook Produktkatalog wirklich zum Fliegen zu bekommen solltest du auf keinen Fall nackte Produktbilder vor weißem Hintergrund verwenden. Nutze Lifestyle-Bilder!
- Falls du diese nicht zur Verfügung hast kannst du deine nackten Produktbilder auch mit individuellen Rahmen aufstylen.
Im Hauptteil seines Vortrags gab uns Andreas eine wirklich ausführlichen Einblick wie man Custom Labels in Produktkatalogen kreativ nutzen kann, um einen Wettbewerbs-Vorteil zu erlangen. Nerdy-Stuff!
Tobias Tellers:
Echtes Testing, statt Glücksspiel.
Frameworks zum effizienteren Kampagnen testen.
Alle Performance Advertiser predigen es immer wieder: TESTEN, TESTE, TESTEN! Aber wie stelle ich das an? Und mit welchem System! In diesem Fall ist ein Hypothesenkatalog ein Muss für jeden Marketer, der valide testen will. In diesem Katalog werden alle Hypothesen, die getestet werden sollen, aufgelistet. Denn entsprechenden Thesen sollte man auch gründlich nachgehen: Pro Hypothese empfiehlt Tobias mindestens 3 Experimente, die fortlaufend und in fest definierten Intervallen durchgeführt werden sollten.
- Vom Unternehmensziel zum Social-Media Ziel
- CVR, Trust, Visits als Hebel
- Hypothesenkatalog!
- Pro Hypothese mindestens 3 Experimente
- Fortlaufend und in festen Intervallen
Ewelina Yildiz:
Brand Lift Tests – So generierst du wertvolle Insights und steigerst deine Performance
Ewelina hat uns in ihrem Vortrag das Thema Brand-Lift-Studien näher gebracht. Laut Ewelina sind die Umfragen, die nach der Anzeigenausspielung auf Facebook und Instagram ausgespielt werden und z.B. Brand Awareness, wie Ad-Recall oder Favorability messen, für alle Kampagnen und Ad-Formate geeignet – vorausgesetzt man bringt genug Budget mit!
Daniel Stauber:
Facebook Attribution – Warum du nicht (mehr) ins Ads Reporting schauen solltest
Das Video vom Tennis-Doppel wird wohl in den nächsten Tagen und Wochen einiges an Views dazu gewinnen. Mit einem Ballwechsel, bei dem Rafa Nadal mehrere Bälle mit beherztem Einsatz rettete und sein Doppelpartner letztendlich den Punkt erzielte, wird prima verdeutlicht, dass die Last-Click-Attribution nicht immer das richtige Attributionsmodell sein darf.
Ulrich Herrenweger:
Full Funnel E-Commerce Case Study „Die Kartenmacherei“
Wieder live aus dem Kölner Studio durfte als nächstes Ulrich (Uli) Herrenweger heran und gab mehr als 100%.
Daniel Levitan:
Wie wir unseren B2B Leadmotor mit Facebook und Instagram antreiben – echte KPIs statt schöne Zahlen
Unser zweite Daniel konnte die Ads Camper bei seiner Zuschaltung erstmal mit seinem Setup begeistern und gewann den inoffiziellen Wettbewerb für den coolsten Video-Hintergrund. Fachlich stand der Vortrag “Wie wir unseren B2B Leadmotor mit Facebook & Instagram antreiben” dem Hintergrund in nichts nach.
Daniel berichtete uns von seinem „sehr schlauen“ Chef Marcel, dem die Anzahl der Downloads egal waren, er braucht qualifizierte Leads. Die Facebook-Kampagnen sollten mit dem Umsatz abgeglichen werden und auch dementsprechend optimiert werden.
Die Key Takeaways:
- Mehr Leads garantieren dir nicht mehr Umsatz
- Marketing hört nicht am Desktop auf: kooperiere mit dem Sales-Team
- Performance endet nicht im Werbeanzeigenmanager
Sebastian Vogg:
Mit diesen 5 Hacks dominierst du TikTok Ads
TikTok is the probably most hyped Social platform right now. Self-Service-Performance -Advertising on TikTok is still not open to everyone. Sebastian got early access and shared some of his insights and experiences. However, in order to avoid any legal issues with Byte Dance (The company behind TikTok) we have to keep all Information shared by Sebastian fully confidential! Better join next time!
Day 2
Dan Nikas:
Building Brands with Funnels
Another day at the Ads Camp started. This time, Dan from Australia kicked off. During Dan’s talk, we got to know how to build a brand with a funnel. The guys at Gearbunch decided to restructure the funnel a tiny bit: Awareness, Consideration, Remarketing, Loyalty.
Simon Kreienbaum:
Testing, Automation & the Facebook API – How to scale your monthly Facebook Advertising budget Asana Rebels Case Study
Simon shared insights into his two biggest leverages for performance – data and creatives! Beyond these, Simon brought up the importance of a proper feedback process with your design team. Here’s our graphical summary:
Molly Pittmann:
Case Study Meltdown! 5 successful Facebook Ad Campaigns that rocked
Molly from Kentucky spread a lot of good mood in her live talk from Amsterdam! As she shared, she’s a big opponent of interest-targeting, especially while in TOFU. Again, we’ve learned more about the importance of creatives and how to create these. This and a lot more, below:
- Good results with CBO, when launching ad sets in an own campaign
- Molly is a big opponent of interest-targeting, especially when scaling
- Important to scale TOFU with all available tools: broad, core/interest and LALs
- Video: Normal women in action, 4 min long, getting closer to the product and a pitch in the end
- Body text was long and explains why pictures of nature makes you happier and thus more productive during home office
- Creatives: User-Generated-Content relatable to specific audiences (women with different accents etc.)
- Less sensitive to audience overlap than ever, more an issue in the retargeting
Gil David:
The most popular Facebook strategies – How they work (and for whom)
For talk number four we jumped over to Belfast – remotely. Gil shared methods with us, we could use for our ads setup. Aggressive ones and some less aggressive ones. During his talk, he shared insights, pros, and cons on “The Bully Method”, “Carpet-Bombing” and his favorite the “Surfing-Method”. Definitely consider testing these right after the Ads Camp and closely measure results. Perhaps they also work in your specific case!
Maren Kaspers:
B2B Scale for Sale: Lead Generierung with LinkedIn
After Staffbase received 20 Million Euro from its investors, the company needed to find a way to scale (nice challenge to have, haha). LinkedIn Lead-Ads has been an integral part of exactly that. Maren showed in her talk how the marketing team at Staffbase managed to utilize that channel.
- Lead quality was too low in the beginning
- Staffbase team used granular targeting options on LinkedIn including the following
- A/B tests
Further summing up the learning phase from Staffbase and their LinkedIn-Test:
- Find the right person (company size, contact person, etc)
- Narrow down the audience from very broad to specific
- Address companies from specific branches with specific solutions
- Cross-channel: test traffic-campaigns on Facebook
- Learnings from the campaigns to increase the landing page
▶️ Approx. 85% lead acceptance-rate from leads by the sales team
Dennis Fäckeler:
Facebook Ads vs Google Ads – Targeting along the Search Intent
Dennis kicked off right after lunch break! A talk on “Targeting along the Search Intent”. He started with building a common ground with us by explaining different types of search intents. After defining the URL parameter together with us, Dennis jumped right in. Here’s what we considered as most important:
- Group keywords by intent
- Informational (how many calories does a banana has?)
- Navigational (Facebook login)
- Commercial (Star Trek posters)
- Transactional (xx)
On top, some hands-on tips:
- Retarget lower funnel keywords (buy 55inch TV)
- Hijack competitor searches
- Relevant keywords by funnel stage
- How likely is the user to buy
Andrew Foxwell:
Facebook Reps vs. Reality
Preparing the Ads Camp 2020, we were still basking in memories of Andrew’s energetic talk last year. Happy to have him back on our virtual stage, also this year. He shared his experience with Facebook Reps and analyzes statements he encountered when dealing with Reps.
Natasha Courtenay-Smith:
How to tell a story through an eCommerce funnel
Straight from her garden-shed office in London, Tash shared some extremely helpful points on storytelling. To keep things easy, Tash broke off the funnel-stages and tackled the requirements of each funnel stage:
- Stage 1:
- Introducing the product
- How can the product solve users needs
- Stage 2:
- Overcoming hurdles
- Answering possible questions
- Stage 3:
- Clear CTA to purchase
- Stage 4:
- Thank you and welcome
- Stage 5:
- Brand building
- New products
- Advanced storytelling
- Exclusive
- 3 key mistakes
- Similar creatives across all funnel steps
- No thank you message
- Low understanding of the customer journey
Thomas Moen:
Glorious 3 – funneling Facebook, YouTube & Snapchat
From Oslo, Thomas shared how he is working with the Glorious three – Facebook, YouTube, and Snapchat. He showcased a real-life example: Bekka, selling clothes online. From $3,000 to $100,000 in revenue within 6 weeks. That’s crazy. How he did that, you’ll be about to find out.
▶️ Start on Facebook, but when things start to work, you hit a ceiling
- Phase 1: Scale FB to hit the ceiling 2 Weeks later:
- Phase 2: Add Google Ads (incl. Youtube) – Retargeting with mainly shopping campaigns raising 122% Revenue
2 Weeks later:
- Phase 3: Add Snapchat Ads raising 54% revenue
Use Facebook first for the first driver of sales and revenue, then scale vertically to less crowded platforms.
Markus Schulze:
No more money-wasting on Black Friday: how to prepare for the crazy sale days!
Our good old friend Markus is not only on stage as he cheers for the same football club as organizer Jan! He shared some incredibly helpful information for the upcoming Black Week without wasting money. Enjoy!
- Analyze last years performance (bid strategy, creative)
- Test with other promotions
- Set clear goals (budget constraint or performance-oriented, be ready to scale fast)
- Define your promotion (incremental discounts? different products?)
Create (in time)
- Update feed/catalogue
- Check pixel-events/match-rate
- Product images and overlays should be in place
- Play with different creatives and conversion goals
- Diversify creative formats
- Bid and budget boldly
- Automated triggers to increase bids/budgets or stop ads
▶️ Start early, bid boldly, diversify creatives
Jan Willem Alphenaar:
How to scale with LinkedIn Ads
Jan did not only write a ton (!) of content on LinkedIn advertising but we also had the great pleasure to welcome him on our virtual stage. We could call him the godfather of LinkedIn, but just let’s jump right in!
▶️ Not all Ad Placements are recommended!
- #1 business platform Worldwide, Europe, Germany
- Linkedin is different from other platforms in expectations and behavior
- Think different when approaching LinkedIn advertising
- Longer decision-making processes
- trigger/interest => ad inform => LP convince => LP